UtopiaGaming Radio

UtopiaGaming Radio

Welcome to the website of UtopiaGaming Radio 🙂 "Our" radio has been around for several years. We currently host it at Laut.fm and play our own playlists there. There are also little extras, e.g. for birthdays or events.

There you can also leave feedback or make suggestions for improvement.

UtopiaGaming Logo

The radio team


Radio management


Hey, it's Fluffy 🙂 My job here is the overall management of the radio and its design. In the meantime it has become a project close to my heart, and I am happy about everyone who celebrates it as much as I do. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me via Discord.




Heyy, I'm Schoaschi! I lend my voice to the UG-Radio and together with my colleagues we offer you an entertaining radio! About me: I'm 18, I'm from Austria, and I'm currently learning a trade in the metal industry. My hobbies: I mainly play games.



BigMax | MaxDonalds

I'm Max, 19 years old and I'm currently training to be an event technician. I work at UG Radio and plan to enrich it with my own music. If you have any questions about sound design and audio editing, please feel free to contact me.




I'm on UtopiaGaming Radio and Support because I really enjoy speaking and standing up for other people. I find it interesting to plan and design radio announcements and take this task very seriously.